Tag Archives: determination

The Write Life

Signing_USQBelieve it or not, writing is an extreme adventure activity. Thrilling highs can smash into bottomless lows as you careen past swift-changing scenery (or slow growing grass …), determined to deliver the stories in your mind to the rest of the world.

Something I’ve realised through my writing experiences is how much the writing process has taught me about myself and life generally. For anyone who’s followed my blog for a while, you’ll recognise snapshots of those insights in many of my posts. Yes, writers can have amazing fun, but there are also days when you wonder what ever possessed you to start a given project. You either give up, or grow in character. (Or sometimes give up for a while and THEN grow. 🙂 )

With this in mind, I am SUPER excited to be hosting a two month long series of guest blogs under the theme: The Write Life. You’ll be hearing from a wonderful cohort of Australian authors who will share gems from their own writing journeys. These writers have been in the ‘write scene’ for a long time now and will undoubtedly bring much wisdom to their posts.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to get into this series. So strap yourself down and get comfy, ’cos this is going to be fun!