I peered down the path. It was slightly overgrown, as if rarely frequented. It wasn’t exactly the start of my journey, but it was definitely a bend in the road. I couldn’t see much around that curve. Now was my chance to really do something with the writing obsession that I had.

Should I venture along or should I take the wider track, the one with which I was familiar?

Finally I stepped down the path and around the bend. A dream and a pinch of foolish ambition lingered behind me.

So began several years of learning and mentorship. I thought that the opportunity to study the craft of writing would hone my voice, sharpen my capacity. But as pride so predictably accompanies a fall, I soon realised that around that one bend were many more. The skills I thought I possessed were rapidly exposed as rudimentary and inadequate. This was going to take a lot of work!

Some years have passed since I made that detour. Though I discovered many things along the way, one of the most valuable lessons I learnt was the importance of journeying with others. This applies to any area of life – no less in writing. By walking the path with those who are heading in the same direction, you can build partnerships. For anyone who has done something new (which I hope is all of us!), establishing such connections involves an element of vulnerability. But I have discovered the value of an honest critique (even if it stings a little) and cannot state enough the importance of a trustworthy network of individuals who can encourage and be encouraged in turn. For it is not just about building your own adventure, but championing the walk of others, too.

I continue along that road, but I do not walk alone. When I face a steep incline or get a few rocks in my shoe, arms link with mine to ease the load or find a better path. My steps are marked with the generosity of others, and I have the privilege of cheering their achievements. Just as wattle blossoms light up the bush in winter, we can each add richness and vivid hues to the lives of those around us – no matter where they are along the path.

So share the journey with someone. And I welcome you to come along for mine.