Monthly Archives: August 2023

Immortal Mistake Launch Day!

It’s been a while coming, but finally it’s launch day for my new novel Immortal Mistake😊


When teenager Rennard (Rennie) Parker discovers a high-tech vault buried in his backyard, a bionic stranger pulls him into a world of forced experimentation that erases 24 hours of memories. Along with his half-brother, Blaine Colton, Rennie becomes embroiled in a complex cloning and child trafficking nightmare, one where feelings and memories can be extracted like digital files and sentience, consciousness and knowledge can be implanted.

Immortal Mistake provides an amazing balance of science fiction with a story of a boy, a casualty of family abuse and neglect, child safety services, foster homes and searching for a place to belong, in a story that is ultimately hopeful. This gritty, science-fiction thriller set in Brisbane, Australia, propels Rennie on a high octane rollercoaster ride of his life where the non-stop thrills are accompanied by plenty of spills as he searches for identity, belonging, love and his place in a confusing world that couldn’t be more complicated.

Coinciding with the release of child trafficking feature movie Sound of Freedom and mounting community concern about youth crime in Australia, the release of this story couldn’t have been timelier. An edge of your seat page-turner available from all good booksellers or online from

An immortal quest. An unreachable memory. An impossible choice.